Let me help you today.
All plans that I prepare are to be submitted under the name of your contractor. HPPD anticipates your work to be performed by a licensed and insured contractor who is properly registered with the DCCA Hawaii Regulated Industries Compliant Office (RICO). HPPD does have a provision for 'owner builder'. However, all 'owner builders' have to affirm (a legally binding term) that they are responsible to performing all construction work according to all applicable state codes for building, electrical, plumbing, zoning, and several others.
Let me help you today.
All plans that I prepare are to be submitted under the name of your contractor. HPPD anticipates your work to be performed by a licensed and insured contractor who is properly registered with the DCCA Hawaii Regulated Industries Compliant Office (RICO). HPPD does have a provision for 'owner builder'. However, all 'owner builders' have to affirm (a legally binding term) that they are responsible to performing all construction work according to all applicable state codes for building, electrical, plumbing, zoning, and several others.
HPPD Permit Application Drawing Pricing and Details: RESIDENTIAL
HPPD Permit Application Drawing Pricing and Details: RESIDENTIAL
Basic Set of Drawings for a Kitchen/Bath or General Interior Only Remodel; Note -- Drwgs must be submitted on 24" x 36" size paper and typically set for 1/4" = 12" or larger scale. I supply 3 Sets to be turned into the HPPD for review.
Type A: Draftsman Level – where Work + Materials for a one floor building Single Family Home < $40k or two floor building Single Family Home <$35k entered on the Permit Application. Values above these will require Architect review plus signature, stamp, and fee.
Type B: Architect Level – Any Condo regardless of value of work (current rules by HPPD) or any Single Family Home where Work + Materials to one floor buildings ≥ $40k or two floor building ≥$35k entered on the Permit Application. Type B is required for any Exterior Remodel including changes to windows, driveway, sidewalks, fencing, grading, landscaping, irrigation, pool, lanai/deck, addition(s), ADU, or other detached structure added to the property. Pricing for exterior remodeling will be determined based upon the project’s scope of work prepared by the contractor.
Type C: New Addition, Alteration [other than ADU] to existing Single Family Home has a separate price list containing several areas work specific to this type of work; Please call to describe your project.
For Single Family Home (SFH) Interior Remodels (includes duplexes) but NOT Condominiums or Townhouses.
Site Plan, Demo and Remodel Plan, Interior Elevation Views of Remodel Plan, Reflective Ceiling Plan. These drwgs are to show new electrical wall plugs, wall switches, sinks faucets and drains (when req'd), must include required notes, submit the form for Storm Water Erosion Checklist needs to be included even if no exterior work or other work that could affect water runoff from the building or property.
This drawing set = $4135.00 + if required: Architect signature, stamp, and fee (Included) + Storm Water Plans if required (additional cost subject to Storm Water Control scope of work: typically $2630.00 [varies]) + GET
For Condominiums or Townhouses.
Site Plan of the complete building(s) and identify the floor and location of the specific unit, Demo and Remodel Plan, Interior Elevation Views of Remodel Plan, Reflective Ceiling Plan. These drwgs are required to show existing and new electrical wall plugs, wall switches, sinks faucets and drains, ventilation chases, and existing windows (when req'd). If the remodel includes alteration to walls, exit paths to the exterior of the unit then need to show the new path.
Special Requirements: Any change to an existing Electrical Panel no matter how small a change now requires the addition of the Electrical Panel/Circuit drawing to be added to the plan set as shown below @ $1650.00. This may further be subject to the requirement to be reviewed, stamped and signed by an Electrical Engineer for acceptance and approval by the Electrical Reviewer: Engineer Fee To Be Paid Separately and Not Included In Stated Pricing.
This drawing set = $4135.00 + Architect signature, stamp, and fee (Included) + GET
Basic Plan Set Single Family Homes for Kitchen & Bath Remodels ​
GET To Be Added
Basic Plan Set Single Family Homes for Kitchen & Bath Remodels ​
GET To Be Added
Single Family Homes: 1 or 2 Floor Home
Single Family Homes: 1 or 2 Floor Home
Value of Work + Materials Less than $35k
Single Family Homes Architect Fee
Single Family Homes Architect Fee
Generally Req'd independant of value
limits shown above: HPPD Regulations. Includes Plan Review, Stamp and Signature.
Included In Basic Single Family Home
Single Family HomeDriveWay Changes, Grading, Grubbing Plan
Single Family HomeDriveWay Changes, Grading, Grubbing Plan
Req'd When values are higher than the
limits shown above: HPPD Regulations. Includes Plan Review, Stamp and Signature.
$1875 (ea.)
Electrical Panel / Circuit Plan
Electrical Panel / Circuit Plan
A Common Req'rmt For Many Older Homes Where the panels are in closets, pantries, or other non-accessable areas per NEC.
$1650 SFH
Plumbing, Mechanical, StormWater, Waste Water
Plumbing, Mechanical, StormWater, Waste Water
Typically used when changing drain pipes or adding new drains for new bath rooms. Also, when adding new lawn irrigation or other new water use/drain changes.
$1055 ea.
ADU Plans Prep; Single Family Homes Only
ADU Plans Prep; Single Family Homes Only
Includes; Plot Plan w/all Zoning Info
Existing Bldgs, Driveways - Etc,
Proposed Bldgs, Parking, Utilities Connections, Foundation Plans, Electrical Plan, Plumbing Plan, Interior & Exterior Elevations, Natural Light & Ventilation Calcs, Roof Plan, Framing Plan, Window & Door Schedule, Kitchen & Bath Designs, Architect Review Signature & Stamp,
Not Included: Eng'r Stamps & Signatures, PV & Solar Systems, Decks - Lanais, Landscaping, Custom Tie-In To Primary House Structure, Changes to Driveways - Walkways, Rockeries, Fences, Outdoor Lighting Equipment, Swimming Pools, Detached Garage or Carport, Custom Foundation Requirements, Unique Waste Water or Storm Water Mitigation Management, or any other special needs.
$6940 Attached
$10340 Detached
(may vary depending on your particular situation. )
Basic Plan Set Condo's & Townhouses for Kitchen & Bath Remodels GET To Be Added
Basic Plan Set Condo's & Townhouses for Kitchen & Bath Remodels GET To Be Added
Condo's / Townhouses
Condo's / Townhouses
Includes the Architect Fee required by HPPD regulations. Includes Plan Review, Stamp and Signature.
Electrical Panel / Circuit Plan
Electrical Panel / Circuit Plan
A Common Req'rmt For Many Older Condo's Where the panels are in closets, pantries, or other non-accessable areas per NEC.
Can be higher if Electrical Reviewer Imposes Other Compliances
Lanai Enclosure
Lanai Enclosure
Includes fabrication, window install, and new lighting - wall circuits
Split A/C System
Split A/C System
Includes AHU Layout, Plumbing & Electrical circuits Design, Mechanical Plan, Condensate Drainage Plan.
Other Items;
Other Items;
Includes interior wall changes
that req'r structural design &
work; typcial when changing
window, door types - sizes,
or installing new patio doors.
$810 (varies)
Specialty Engineer Fees
Specialty Engineer Fees
HPPD may require review by
specialty engineers such as
Electrical, Civil, Mechanical,
or Structural. Pricing of their
work is not included and each
engineer will set their own
fees. You will see their price
and you will be asked to pay
them directly (checks only).
Permit Fees;
Permit Fees;
HPPD permit fees are based
upon the value of work and
materials added together.
For a value of $35k the amount
is close to $785 (budget this as
a minimum). Prorating for
higher values will get you close
These fees are paid at the time
of picking up the permit by
the contractor.
$ (varies)
$ (varies)
Doing More than a Kitchen - Bath Remodel??
Call 808-778-3343
Doing More than a Kitchen - Bath Remodel??
Call 808-778-3343
Pricing for other work is dependent upon
a) magnitude of the job you want to look at,
b) the part you would like help with.
- Planning and Project Feasibility for Additions or New Construction
- Construction Materials specifications (LEED, ORGANIC, ENERGY)
- Interior Finishes and Materials
- Colors & Textures Coordination
- Kitchen Design: Appliances and Cabinetry
- Bath(s) Design: Functions, Fixtures, Finishes
- A/C & Ventilation, Comfort requirements
- In Home Theater Design
- PV & Solar Water Designs
- Property layout and zoning compliance